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WELCOME to the «» website (hereinafter called “the Site”).
In accordance with the law, we invite you to familiarise yourself with the present conditions of use (hereinafter called the “Conditions") and any specific condition appearing on the Site pages, governing your use of the «» Site.
These Conditions relate to your statutory rights and responsibilities applicable when you use this Site.
This Site is made available to you free of charge (excluding Site connection charges) for your personal use, subject to compliance with the Conditions set out below.
By accessing this Site, by visiting it and / or using it, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Conditions, and that you undertake to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not accept these Conditions, please do not use this internet Site.
You undertake to access the information appearing on this Site solely for personal use and not for commercial use.
You can only use the Site for a legitimate purpose; no use or abuse is permitted, in particular for purposes contrary to Public Order and Good Morals.
The content of the present document may change; consequently, we invite you to consult it very regularly.
The present Site is the property of the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône.
On the Site, the CNR very quickly provides the information in its possession. This information which comes from automatic recordings, is not checked or validated.
The positions of boats which can be displayed on the map section of the site come from information provided by the AIS equipment (Automatic Identification System) of boats which is then collected by the CNR. This information is used to understand the traffic situation in the reaches. However, pleasure craft are not generally equipped with AIS (this is not required by the regulations) and thus are not shown.
Information about the RNPCs is provided on the Site in application of the Particular Regulations of the Interior Navigation Police of the Rhône-Saône Itinerary. Link for detailed explanations about RNPCs.
On the Site, the CNR provides D and D+1 forecasts of the beginning and end of RNPCs. These forecasts produced by our departments on the basis of meteorology data are of course subject to the vagaries of the climate beyond the CNR’s control and are thus subject to a large degree of uncertainty.
The information appearing on the site comes from records of boats passing through the locks entered by the CNR agents responsible for lockages into a database. These data are made available in order to provide information about the traffic situation at the locks on the Rhône. The CNR personnel responsible for lockages are instructed to concentrate on overseeing lockages and facilitating the traffic flow. Consequently, a lockage entry can be made several tens of minutes after a boat has actually passed through the lock.
As a Site user, you acknowledge that you have the skill and the means necessary to access and use this Site.
The CNR does its utmost to ensure the accuracy and the updating of the information diffused on the Site, while reserving the right to modify the content at any time and without prior notice.
Nonetheless, the CNR cannot guarantee that this information is complete, nor that it will not be modified by a third party (hacker, virus).
The CNR and its contributors do not give any warranty, under any circumstances, as to the suitability, sequence, accuracy, absence of errors, truth, currentness, fair and commercial nature, quality, well-foundedness and availability of the information contained on this Site. The elements of the Site are provided “as seen” without any warranty of any kind, implicit or explicit. Erroneous information or omissions may be found due in particular to typographical or pagination errors. If you find any errors, you are invited to tell us about them so that appropriate corrections can be made.
The CNR may not under any circumstances be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from or following the diffusion by a third party of a virus via our Site and which may infect your computer system following your connection to this Site, the use of this Site or navigation around this Site.
The CNR and its distributors cannot accept any (direct or indirect) liability in the event of any delay, error or omission with regard to the content and the use of these pages, or likewise in the event of the service being interrupted or unavailable.
Likewise, the CNR may not under any circumstances be held liable for any material or consequential damage (including, but not limited to, technical failure, disclosure of confidential documents, loss of data), nor for any indirect damage, whether occurring during or in connection with the use of the Site and the information made available.
Each web user bears all the risks associated with the credit it gives the information available on the Site.
You acknowledge that you have been informed that the Site is accessible 24-7, other than in the event of an act of God, computing difficulties, difficulties connected to the structure of telecommunications networks and other technical difficulties. The CNR may suspend its Site for maintenance purposes. It will endeavour to warn users of this in advance. The CNR is not liable for delays, difficulty in use, and incompatibility between the present Site and files, your browser and any other program for accessing the Site.
The CNR reserves the right, at its discretion alone, to modify any element of the Site. In the context of its Site updating and optimisation policy, the CNR may decide to make changes to the present conditions.
Any dated information published on the Site is valid only for the specified date.
You are also reminded that secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the system and it is incumbent on each internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and / or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the internet.
The Site contains links for accessing non-CNR websites; they may have their own legal notices which should be consulted and observed.
The Site is governed in its entirety by French legislation relating to copyright, trademark law and intellectual property generally.
The CNR’s trademarks and logos (semi-figurative trademarks) appearing on the Site are registered trademarks. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, alone or incorporated in other elements, without the CNR’s prior, express and written authorisation is strictly forbidden.
The general structure, software, texts, images, videos, sounds, know-how, animations and more generally all information and content appearing on the Site are the property of the CNR or form the subject of a right of use and exploitation. These elements are subject to the legislation protecting copyright.
Any representation, modification, reproduction or distortion, in full or in part, of all or part of the Site or its content, by any process whatever and on any support whatever, would constitute an infringement punishable under articles L 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
The present Conditions do not grant you any licence for the use of the CNR's trademarks, logos or photographs.
Any databases appearing on the Site are protected by the provisions relating to the legal protection of databases. The CNR thus expressly forbids any re-use, reproduction or extraction of elements from these databases. The user is liable for any unauthorised re-use, reproduction or extraction.
The CNR reserves the option of deleting without delay and without prior notice, any content (message, text, image, graphic) which contravenes the laws and regulations in force and in particular the regulations detailed above.
If you should wish to use any of the Site content (text, image etc.), you must obtain the CNR’s prior, express and written authorisation, by writing to the address provided in the paragraph entitled “Legal information” or by sending an e-mail to the webmaster.
The CNR, in its capacity as Site Editor, allows the User a private, non-collective and non-exclusive right of use of the said content.
The User undertakes at these conditions not to reproduce, summarise, modify, alter or rediffuse, without the Editor's prior express authorisation, any text, title, image, software, logo, trademark, information or illustration, for a use other than a strictly private one, which excludes any representation for professional purposes or rediffusion to an audience. Likewise, the User undertakes not to copy all or part of the site to another site or an internal network of a business. Non-compliance with this restriction may constitute an act of counterfeiting which may result in the criminal liability of any offender.
As a user of the Site, you are obliged to comply with applicable legislation, in particular the provisions of the data protection law, the infringement of which may result in criminal prosecution.
You shall in particular refrain from any collection or misuse, in particular of any personal information you access, and generally, any act which may violate the privacy, honour, sensitivity, brand image, or the notoriety of any individual or legal entity, and in particular of the CNR, by avoiding any mention, message or text which is defamatory, provocative, malicious, denigrating or threatening on any medium whatever.
(cf. French data protection act of 6 January 1978)
In order to meet your needs and in the course of your browsing on the Site, the CNR may collect personal information about you, processed by computer (some information, marked with an asterisk, is required).
It is up to you to check that the information you provide via this Site is accurate and complete. To ensure the smooth processing of your requests, we would be grateful if you would inform us immediately of any change to the information provided.
The information collected is intended solely for the CNR, which is authorised by the presents, unless you object to this for legitimate reasons, to store and use it in order to keep you informed of its products and services.
You can object, free of charge, to the use of data about you for marketing purposes.
To exercise your rights of access, rectification and opposition, please contact us.
The Site is not intended to receive information of a confidential nature from you. Consequently and with the exception of the personal data mentioned above, any information, in any form – document, data, graphic, question, suggestion, concept, remark etc. – that you communicate on the Site will not under any circumstances be deemed confidential. Consequently, its very transmission by you grants us the right to use it, reproduce it, diffuse it, modify it and transmit it with a view to processing your request.
(cf. French data protection act of 6 January 1978)
The hypertext links put in place to other Sites do not render the CNR liable, in particular with regard to the content of these Sites.
The CNR is not responsible for hypertext links which lead to the present Site and forbids anyone from putting in place a link of this kind without its prior written authorisation.
The Site may contain certain non-historic data constituting forecast statements, and in particular prospective statements about meteorological forecasts. These forecasts are based on the views and hypotheses at the time at which the forecast is prepared and are subject to major risks and uncertainties which may result in a significant difference between the forecasts and the actual situations encountered. Cf. paragraph 2, Liability
Any sale or other transfer of the rights conferred by the present conditions is strictly forbidden.
If, for any reason, a competent court should consider that a provision of the present Conditions is not valid, the invalidity of this provision will not in any way affect the validity of the other conditions which will remain in force.
The failure by any of the parties to exercise a right or legal action under the terms of the present conditions cannot be deemed a renunciation of this right or this action.
The Site is governed by French Law. The present Conditions will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with French law.